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Current Exhibit

fatcoke.jpg (38043 bytes)  Slowinski, Fat Lady With Diet Coke, acrylic, 62" x 64"



MAY 11 - JUNE 10, 2000

Reception: May 12, 6-8pm

cat.jpg (19305 bytes) Catalina, G-Girl #5, acrylic, 60" x 60"

To satisfy American’s love of hamburgers, pork and bacon, cattle and sheep are degrading half the earth’s total land area. Forty percent of the world’s grain is feed to farm animals while millions worldwide die from hunger and malnutrition. America says: "So what, just give us more bacon cheese hamburgers, sausage pizzas and milkshakes, give us more stocks and bonds, huge cars and cheap gas - to hell with everyone else."

brad.jpg (31156 bytes)  A. Bradshaw, Classic Roots, 18" x14", watercolor

Ignoring the obvious consequences, cancer and heart disease have reached epidemic proportions in the US, yet Americans defiantly accept the disease of obesity as normal. "I JUST LOVE TO EAT, SO WHAT", is now a favorite American saying,yet rather than reduce their size Americans now build larger cars and bigger houses to hold their bloated forms.

shari.jpg (43525 bytes)   Shari Zolla, Fat Pig, 96" x 110", oil

In Obese America at Limner Gallery, seven contemporary artists paint their outrage at this social obscenity. At this first of it’s kind exhibition, each painting is a mirror of the self, for we are all guilty. Even the skinny are guilty, for it is not just individual, bodily obesity at question, it is the obesity of the culture itself. Like an obese person who keeps eating and eating even though too fat to fit out the door, America devours the world itself, unable to satisfy it’s own insatiable gluttony.

turn.jpg (33846 bytes) Jeramy Turner, Moon over America, 65" x 65", oil

For further information, please call the Limner Gallery at 212-725-0999.The Limner Gallery is located at 870 Avenue of the Americas between 30th and 31st Street.

Gallery Hours: Wednesday to Saturday 11-6pm

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